Friday, September 4, 2009

We're Back

We were never actually gone. Although I completely forgot how to get into this blog. Thank God Hunter remembered or we would have never been seen or heard from again. Well, at least not here. 

We have a whole summer of stories to tell. A bunch of them were written and then never got posted because I am always afraid of offending people (and for some reason our stories can lean towards off color) although no one (except you) knows who I am. Hunter yelled at me over and over again for this, saying, "Post it! Post it." Which was surprising cause a bunch of the really bad ones were about her. :)

Hunter just moved away again. Down South. Out of Gramma hell. It was a tough summer. It could have been a black comedy if there had been a laugh track attached. All sorts of mayhem went on. She had to get out of here before it ended in murder. 

On her last night here while she was wearing my sons motorcycle helmet that I spray painted silver for science project and swinging on the poles in my garage she did keep saying, "You better post those ones and also write a ending one. " 

Then, you C3, called us on it. And let me tell you how it went down cause Hunter's gonna love this. So yesterday I was working like a dog (this is me Sarah) odd right? But I was. Cleaning out my Mom's huge garage. I got home and had one hour to chill out before I had to go to a meeting and out for the night. I put on my bathing suit and lied down. Of course that very second I got beckoned to drive children all over the earth. I threw on this pink dress over my bathing suit and got in the car. So I'm taking a corner and this guy in another car is coming the opposite way turning the same corner. He is staring at me like I am a alien. I think to myself, "He must be concerned because I am not wearing my seatbelt." Another thing that drives Hunter crazy. So then I see my little phone light beeping and I get it to read some e mail (she loves this too) and it's C3 asking if we're going to post again. I look down to dial Hunter's number to tell her and I see the reason the other driver was starting at me. It wasn't the seat belt. It was my dress was barely covering an almost non existent bikini top. Hunter would call it "whore boobs." That man didn't care about the safety harness at all! 

But you know what Hunter? At least my dress wasn't on backwards! And I didn't run through any red lights OR stop signs.  I didn't stop traffic for anything. So that's good right?


  1. Half-nekkid, garage cleanin', generally disturbing other Motorists.....

    I'm glad you guys are back.

    Now. Pass that shit to the left.

  2. Yes, we know. :) Now be good. This is a family blog. Something to read the kiddies before sleep.
